McKenna Kelley

McKenna Kelley has found her rightful place in the gymnastics arena, as she continues to strive hard to become one of the world’s renowned gymnasts just like her mother, Mary Lou Retton. Retton, who regarded her daughter, the now 23-year-old McKenna, as the “spunky one”, has been one parent who introduced their professions to their children at an early age, though, she said, she was never someone who insists on making them like her sport. To McKenna’s credit, she made the sport her own and is on her way to become to be the next big thing of the gymnastics events both in the US and internationally.

Despite her injury that happened in one of her competitions when she was still in college, she still has been a successful gymnast garnering medals both for her alma mater and for herself in the nation area. Her awards and medals include the following: 2019 NCAA team silver medalist (LSU); 2017 NCAA team silver medalist and floor exercise bronze medalist, and 2016 NCAA team silver medalist.
